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Old 28 August 2008, 11:50   #7
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Sorry for the bump, but this seems like the best place to ask...

I've put my Amiga on my home network (wired rather than wireless) and I can access the internet via my ADSL router without any problems. I can also access my router's config page from the Amiga. I'm using MiamiDX, OS3.9 BB2, and a 3Com 3c589 PCMCIA card, BTW.

I've also been trying to access my shared directories on my Vista PC using SMBFS on the Amiga, but it just isn't working.

I've added the Amiga's IP address to my firewall (Comodo), in exactly the same way as I added the IP address for my wife's laptop and my work laptop, so I know this works.

I've tried pinging the Amiga from the PC, and I get "Destination host unreachable". Pinging the laptops works fine.

Similarly, SMBFS cannot find the IP address of my PC.

Any suggestions? I have a feeling it's something that I need to change/add in the MiamiDX config, rather than on the PC side.

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