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Old 16 August 2008, 19:59   #28
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Originally Posted by Galahad/FLT View Post
I did much the same thing with BC Kid for Dual Crew.

Can't remember which computer show it was but they had it running on an Amiga on the Hudson Soft stand, playing quite a bit of it, and realised it was the full game.

The Amiga was in a cabinet that was turned backwards so the doors were supposed to be out of reach.

The guys from Binary Emotions (naughty boys!!) crowded around the cabinet as I whipped the disk out.

Got it home, trained it and played it right through to discover it was the full game.

Released a few days later.
Hehe sweet. Wonder if you ever credited the Binary Emotion guys in the release...

XXXX/FairLight was another talented guy. The year after I nicked those SNES-games we visited ECTS in London again and found some game which - unfortunately - I don't remember the name of. We walked by a couple of times and thought it was worth a try. XXXX sat down, played and played (for half an hour or so, pretending he was real astonished etc).

Thing is that the staff was way more aware that year and so kept a close eye on pretty much everything in and around their booths. XXXX kept playing and I thought we should assist him the same way the Binary Emotion-guys did to you, but Splatt told us not to worry as he was so confident XXXX would take care of it. He was right, five mins later XXXX turned up with the disc in his hand and another release was secured.


XXXX was a major FLT UK trader. I've deliberately changed his nick but it began with a "C" ...

Originally Posted by Galahad/FLT View Post
Then some bunch of lamers called Fairlight released it again some months later
Band of thieves!

How noobish, they probably just rereleased your vrs

Last edited by Graham Humphrey; 16 August 2008 at 20:06. Reason: Back-to-back posts merged
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