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Old 10 August 2008, 00:48   #24
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Dary this is very urgent message I need you to read before releasing AmigaSYS 4 AGA to real system. I am an Amiga game developer and I am using AmiBlitz 3 to make my games. It is very urgent that I use this program but I also need to use AmigaSYS for my A1200 as well. If I had to choose between either AmigaSYS or AmiBlitz3 I will be force it to not to use AmigaSYS in order to use AmiBlitz 3. You are going to start to wonder what the hell I am talking about it? Please read the problem I am facing below and hopes you will fix it, in your later releases:

AmigaSys have a problem when it comes with AmiBlitz 3. As soon as I install AmiBlitz 3 in the environment of AmigaSYS I get this problem below:

Well actually I am using AmigaSYS in an WinUAE emulation. I am not sure if you are familiar with AmigaSYS, here are the things that happens when I enter the keys in the keyboard:

If I press space bar I get a dialog box "Select file to save as ASCII" I have to press ESC to close the window and a space command commences.

If press the Enter key I get Print dialog box where I specify the port number every time I press enter and I have to hit the ESC key to close it.

If press the <-- Backspace I get a dialog box Project Settings before the Delete command is commenced. If press Delete key it erases everything before it in one shot.

The problems above happen every single time I press the key stroke, it is annoying and render development to be difficult.

It is of dire urgency that this problem is fixed, thanks in advance.
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