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Old 01 July 2008, 04:19   #3
Join Date: Oct 2007
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This is great news, congratulations !
Inmho GBA should be as popular as WinUAE, as it's the perfect counterpart to using whdload in order to populate one's Amiga games stock and listing one's favorites, of course.

Since I've been happily using Gamebase Amiga for a few monthes now, I think I can make one or two remarks. I truely hope you or your teammates won't consider that I am trying to rain on your parade, as it is really not my intention.

- First, I would gladly see post-install steps appear on Gamebase web site. I discussed these steps with you and got everything I needed to run a full Gamebase Amiga database, including explanations and missing files. This said, I obtained them over IRC, and I am not sure I could have gone so far without your "interactive" help.

- As for Windows Vista compatibility, Gamebase program has been updated to v1.2, so GBA IS now fully compatible, that's a fact.
(yeah, I know we probably want to forget about these dull discussions, but still...)

I feel like mentioning the following, for the common good :
There's an annoying security feature in Vista, called Data Execution Prevention, which prevents GBA and some other legit proggies from loading, because it THINKS they makes faulty memory accesses. (It may be better implemented in 64-bit Vista's).

With the SP1 installed, one has the ability to disable it safely for each and every program, except for Windows own programs & services. Feel free to mention this or not on your web site or in the install notes.

Last but not least, I've noticed some Amiga gamers make a direct connexion between GBA and TOSEC. It could be an idea to clarify things a bit, as they may wonder in what way the first is related to the second.
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