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Old 15 June 2008, 09:50   #92
HOL/FTP busy bee
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I just downloaded and tried Multiplayer. Very nice program you made
The GUI looks nice and the window snapping is a really nice feature.
I have some (not format related ) suggestions.

The pitch slider is a nice feature, but there is no 'reset to 100%' or a manual input control for it. I've played around with the slider and couldn't reset it to 100% (103% was nearest). So either you make a context menu on the slider with a reset option or change the label with the current percentage to an input box, so the value can be entered manual (and exact with is always hard with a slider )

In the playlist there should be a remove button for the selected song. I added a MOD file that's not supported within other players (but does play with Fasttracker 2) and had to clear the list to remove it.

There should also be a 'add folder' button for the playlist (and to make it really great with a 'include subfolder' option ).

Okay and now one obvious feature request : Saving and loading the playlist I guess it's already on your 2Do-list but I thought I add it here anyway

I'm looking forward to see the next version.
For the programmers curiosity : With which language and compiler did you do it?

Last edited by TCD; 15 June 2008 at 11:05.
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