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Old 30 March 2002, 21:47   #17
Fred the Fop
flaming faggot
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Well, being a Mac owner as well as a PC owner, (I own an iBook for work and serious matters, no gaming), it is depressing to see that the platform that was right up there in terms of quality and innovation of games- Shadowgate, for example, was created on the Apple 2GS- as the venerable Amiga and poorer cousin, Atari St, is a filter for PC games. Meaning, if the games sells well for the PC, the lords of gamedom will see fit to pass it on to the Mac gamer. As for patches? I owned one of the best notebooks ever, an Apple Powerbook 540 PC. I was at my freind's house and saw the new sequel to Panzer General, Allied General there. He kept getting crashes, slow response (PZ General was a DOS game. Allied General was the first of the series to "make" it to Winblows).
In any case, I went to the nearest EB and got Allied for my Powerbook.
Any crashes? Noooooo.
And patches? Noooooo.
Speed problems? Nooooo.
I may have been angry with the supporters of the next gen Amiga freaks in another thread. Its because I think it'll never happen, and I detest the idea that people cannot admit the truth and delude themselves. But inside, I hope it happens, because maybe, gaming can....
Nah. I looked at a link to new Amiga One games that Twist put up in that thread, and all the games are just PC Wanna-bes.
We're doomed to Half-life, Crapmand and Conquer and Diablo Shit.
Long live emulation
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