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Old 07 April 2008, 09:29   #5
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And let's just clarify: even though all SVGA monitors are multisync by definition, the Amiga crowd uses multisync to denote monitors that can sync down to 15kHz horizontal.

This is thanks to history - back then most PC monitors could sync to only a couple of set frequencies, then we got some Iiyama models and NEC MultiSync 3Ds that went down really low and the name "multisync" caught on to mean something special for Amiga users.

In 2008, I find it best not to talk about multisyncs in the 15kHz sense at all, since most people do not understand it like this any more. Rather use more words and describe them as monitors that can sync down to 15kHz, this will leave less margin for misunderstanding.

And the definitions:
multisync = can sync to a wide range of refresh rates, check the manual for your monitor's range.
fixed sync = only accepts a certain horizontal / vertical refresh, most often used in Unix workstations. Often also sync-on-green.

Thank you NEC for your lasting legacy of misunderstanding by taking a common term and making it into a product name.
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