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Old 27 January 2008, 15:57   #3
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If Toni feels you violated rules
That's not the point. The rules don't say that uploading Boot ROMs is not allowed, and there were similar ROMs uploaded in the past which weren't deleted. What bugs me is the silent deletion and suppressing any way to talk about that matter. Asking him why uploading cartridge ROMs and the A1000 Boot ROM is not against the rules but the A3000 Boot ROM supposedly is, is a valid question (and something only RCK can decide anyway). Ignoring and even deleting that question and locking the topic is simply the worst reaction a mod can show. That's neither nice nor does it make any sense. How can the next person know that it's not allowed, and why it's not allowed?

You should take this to PM with Toni and other mods not make this thread here.
That wouldn't work. I know because it's not the first time. I think there's nothing wrong talking about that in public.
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