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Old 14 March 2002, 21:14   #2
Give up the ghost
Join Date: Apr 2001
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Age: 33
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Actually, the demise of Spectrum Holobyte should not affect the copyright on the game, since the holding could be (or could have already been) transferred to a different owner. Take the case of the first Beatles albums which were released on Swan, VeeJay and Tollie Records (and still others on Atco and Decca). Whilst Swan, VeeJay and Tollie exist no more, the copyrights on those bodies of work were transferred to (I think) Capitol/EMI.

At any rate, I know I had the original Fred Fish disk you speak of. Whether I still have it or not is hard to say, since all of my junk isn't handy at this time. I do remember when Spectrum Holobyte made their ridiculous stink about Tetris clones back then. Even some BBS's were harrassed into removing Tetris clones from their files areas. It was so lame! With or without that disk, I do remember extracting that game from the disk into its own LHA archive for my BBS (and my personal collection). The only niggle there is that I backed up my entire PD/SW collection to DAT using AmiBack, which had this nasty habit of crashing while writing data to tape. When this happened, it failed to set an end marker on the tape. The result of this is that any data written to the tape suddenly becomes unreadable. I still have these tapes in the event that some kind soul will release a tool that will allow me to dump the contents of the tape to a file, search this data file for programs, and extract them somehow, some way. If I am wrong in my idealistic dream, then I will have lost some extremely critical and rare games and exotic mods that may never surface anywhere again (sigh)...including that version of that game.
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