Thread: OS4 on Mac
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Old 03 January 2008, 03:43   #74
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How about some perspective here ?

We ALL know that running the accepted PC emulator to WinUAE requires both a REAL COPY of Workbench upto3.1 & KICKSTART images.

Then we had a dispute when the somewhat "Controversial " AMIKIT frontend came along to allow legal owners of OS 3.9 to {with WINuae of course } run this on a common PC.

IT seems that the running of OS4 directly on a different platform NON PC creates a cloud of mis-information & resentment why ?

Many have pointed that the axe to grind classic workbench zealot's are responsible for remaining entrenched in the abandonment issue of non -backwards compatability OS 4.0 represents

If there is to be any growth of interest in this version then crying about it being used for real NOT within the EMU bubble is a slap in the face for those independant hardware projects that are trying to create an alternative to the Amiga One project for which the OS was intended for.

We should all forget the politics that Amiga Inc has dug itself into & accept that this is just part of the history of an orphaned OS that still remains largely underused & developed for ....whether that is as a hobby issue or a distant commercial venture { as if ? }

Maybe this thread is mistimed that comes TOO soon as it is clear the patch to allow useage for Mac is already a legal issue is progress ?

However IF a legal patch were available then why should there be any problem ??

That I believe is the REAL topic of this thread so please some of you please try to get out out 0f the backwards compatibilty rut & stop jumping on anything that suguests change's are possibe .............


Kindly remember that
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