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Old 08 September 2007, 03:46   #28
Posts: n/a
Ok, Amiga semi-newb here at your service. I had an A2000 back in the day, but had a fire at the house and it got auctioned off for peanuts. Now years later, I decided I'de like to collect all the old games and stuff I had.. so I picked up an A3000 on Ebay for a bit over $200 US.

Problem... I can't seem to get anything running properly. Hero's of the Lance just gives me a read disk error screen. Some others kind of work, then die.

Champions of Krynn would load up using the floppy drive to boot up, but during the demo would freeze while loading a certain part.

Hillsfar makes it look like its going to load, but then just goes to a blank screen.

Starflight again, almost works, but when I go to start a new game I get disk write errors.

Ok, so I figured, maybe I have a floppy drive issue... all these A500 A1000 A2000 games should work on the 3000 right? (I couldn't get a straight answer on that one from anyone I asked).

So I bought an FZ-357 on ebay after seeing some spreadsheet somewhere that said it would work on an Amiga with no modifications.

Get the drive, install it, it doesn't work.. maybe I flipped the cable... still doesn't work. Ok , so now I find another site that says you have to take the drive apart solder the J2 jumper and set external jumpers... ok... so I manage to get all that done with some help. (Far from "no modifications").

I have high hopes... put in Champions of Krynn.. it looks like its going to work. Select to start the demo, it asks for disk 3, I insert disk 3 and nothing...nada..nil... Retry...retry...retry... nope... Its not even trying to read the disk.

Alright, well let me try the Heroes of the Lance. Nope, still get the red guru like disk error when trying to load that one. (Do I remember something about those silver box games all being PAL by accident? I dont rememeber, back in the day, I needed the guy from Electronic Boutique to make me some special PAL loader disk though to play that one, I thought maybe I accidentily bought a PAL version back then.. but maybe not?)

Any ideas what my problem is here?

Could it be 2 bad floppy drives?

A500, A1000, A2000 games not compatible with A3000?
Something bad in the machine itself somewhere?
I did try cleaning the original drive with a drive head cleaner disk and giving it a good squirt of compressed air. It didn't help.
If you think its a floppy drive issue, can I get one of these that your talking about in this thread?

Thank you for reading, I appreciate any assistance.
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