Thread: Lords Of Time !
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Old 21 June 2007, 14:26   #29
Artemis BJJ
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Originally Posted by kronikal
Thanks for the tips Slideyfoot.

I did make a map years ago using WinUAE to play, Casting the map spell during the game, taking a Screenshot and pasting into Photoshop
Yeah, thats exactly what I did - not sure I completed the whole map, but think so. Will check through my CDs tonight after BJJ training.

I can find the dragon but not kill it. I can find the entrance to the druids temple but can't enter, etc etc.
I haven't had any luck killing the dragon either - got the fire resistant cloak thing and the relevant potion to stick on my sword, along with potions training, but wasn't able to actually put the damn stuff onto the sword, meaning I just stared at the dragon while it tried to burn me. Which was fun.

The druids temple I have managed, however - its an arrangement of four twigs from different trees (sure I wrote this down somewhere: would be with the map if I have), lit on the night of a blue moon. When you have it set up right, the wall in front of the stairs disappears. You're supposed to then get a book from the maze lower down, but the time I tried it, hadn't beefed up enough so got slaughtered by blokes chucking fireballs at me.
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