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Old 02 June 2007, 19:35   #17
Secret Vampire
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Originally Posted by BinoX
2nd weird thing is that Ramsey and another custom chip (either alice or lisa (I suspect alice considering it does chip ram stuff and custom chip stuff etc) have a strange sticky residue around them that wasn't there when I first had the machine and wasn't there last time I checked the battery...
I dunno what it is.. (Maybe it's gotten damp from being near the window and unused for too long?)
Sticky residue could be something that leaked out of the electrolytic capacitors, which unfortunately is corrosive, and will eat through board traces and possibly destroy chips.
That said, the damage should be repairable, but might not be cost effective compared to the £100 or so a replacement board should cost.
Here's the fun bit, when the A4000 was conceived, it was probably not in the designers minds that anyone would still be using them in 15 years time, and hence they didn't design it, or specify components that would enable it to last forever. The result is that any board still in a working condition is likely to be suffering from suspect electrolytic capacitors, if they haven't leaked yet, it's only a matter of time.

As far as cleaning goes, I use Isopropyl alcohol, or some kind of PCB cleaning solution.water can work, but some things you find on PCBs are not water soluble.
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