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Old 02 June 2007, 13:35   #13
Miggy Man
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Location: Cornwall, United Kingdom
Age: 40
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Well, I think the problem is the motherboard...

I've replaced everything except that now.. lol

I tried replacing:
  • Kickstart 3.1
  • Zorro Daughter Board
  • CPU Card (to a standard 4030, yes I did change the jumpers back for that card )
  • Chipram
  • Buster Chip (getting desperate here)
However a couple of things struck me as odd...

When I used the 4030, instead of redscreening it would constantly reboot.. (Not too odd, I've heard of this happening before)

2nd weird thing is that Ramsey and another custom chip (either alice or lisa (I suspect alice considering it does chip ram stuff and custom chip stuff etc) have a strange sticky residue around them that wasn't there when I first had the machine and wasn't there last time I checked the battery...
I dunno what it is.. (Maybe it's gotten damp from being near the window and unused for too long?)

So yeah.. problem seems ot be motherboard...

Anyone have an A4000 motherboard they can donate? As long as it works and the chip ram socket is intact (even if the fast ram clips are broken) I'll take it
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