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Old 11 April 2007, 15:00   #11
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Argh, this is seriously pissing me off! I tried both Damien's and Ian's suggestions. Here's the problem for each:

Damien: I can make the floater build right next to the fire pit so he turns around and can bash through the wall, but the mass of lemmings will have built up so much by then that it's virtually impossible to not lose tons of lemmings as I try to frantically build my way over the pit. I lose so much that I can't beat the mission.

Ian: Your safe approach of building over the fire pit then building over the exit to make the lemming turn round and bash the wall seems the best prospect, but this takes such a long time that there's less than 30 seconds left on the timer by the time my basher nears the end of the obstacle. I always run out of time before my 88% requirement's been achieved.

Somehow I feel obligated to hate DMA so much for this level.
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