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Old 11 April 2007, 11:19   #5
Posts: n/a
I think it has to be the hardest game ever! I remember playing it many years ago and remembering it being a very hard game to play - things haven't changed! I managed to get to stage 2-3 a number of times before I couldn't get any further. I wanted to complete the game so I *had* to use the unlimited lives crack built in.

Going through the levels I realised it must be pratically impossible to complete the game without the unlimited lives. Some of the levels are killers! Any level in 5-x is a nightmare. The top prize for level-hardness has to be the very last round, 5-4 I think. There aren't many enemies but it's a level of skill and I was getting very annoyed that when you die you have to start from the begining again! argh! I think after many, many (many) attempts I managed to get to the end where I could kill the walrus. Eat Bomb!

After all the effort the kiwi had been though, I was disapointed in the ending....
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