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Old 11 April 2007, 03:25   #1
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Lemmings AF Demo - can't complete last level!

What with AMR finally having a working AF18a coverdisk, I decided to give the Lemmings demo a whirl. First two levels proved to be good, but the third (and I presume final) level is an absolute bitch. The main obstacle is a large one-way wall that's usually defeated with climbers, floaters and bashers - but on this occasion I have no climbers whatsoever, just one floater, and no blockers (so I can't keep all the lemmings at bay when I build my way over the wall). I usually relied on finding solution pages on the net to get me past troublesome levels, but there appears to be no solution for this level in particular - titled "One Way To Freedom" - because it appears to not even exist in the full version. We're looking at a unique demo-exclusive level here!

I don't know how to make a capture of the whole map, but you can access it straight away with the code LPVMXDGJIO. Take a look at it for yourself, and see how you can tackle it, because I certainly can't!
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