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Old 03 April 2007, 17:11   #8
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Originally Posted by alexh
I cannot see that changing, ever!

Jens Schoenfeld is now doing Clone-A which is almost certainly taking up all his free time.

With the "Catweasel core" being his "long hard work" over many years I cannot see him open-sourcing the VHDL/Verilog for the FPGA any time soon.

Seems a bit of a con for him to launch such a board with the promise of core updates and then never deliver on them.
I have owned a Catweasel mk4 for more than a year now and I am quite happy with it. The drivers have improved quite allot since it was first released and there have been a number of driver updates which updated the FPGA. Which anyone who has downloaded the drivers and read the included readme's would know

In fact they have just released an a driver update the which updates the firmware the other day. See for more details.

I am not saying its perfect but I have used it to backup over 100 disks and also to write a number of ASF images back to disk to use on my A1200 so it dose work.

DF0 emulation under winUAE would be very nice as I would love to be able to create CAPS images from my PC, but I would not use DF0 support every day.
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