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Old 02 April 2007, 20:31   #2
Toni Wilen
WinUAE developer
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Hämeenlinna/Finland
Age: 49
Posts: 26,546
Main goal still is 100% A500 compatibility but it is getting more and more difficult without wasting lots of times (and without any hardware analyzers etc..)

68040/60 MMU (030 is too complex) also would be nice but without JIT compatibility it would be mostly useless (but some host MMU tricks may help, anyway, very low priority currently)

A600/A1200/A4000 IDE emulation by mounting HDF as IDE drive. (Whats the point? I don't really know but I want to do this..)

CDTV was one of the bigger things but it is now done (but not compatible enough, someone, please sell me a real CDTV, thanks. A570 is too different compared to CDTV)

More options to "Advanced chipset". Every possible, even tiny, model specific hardware feature must be available

I also have some crazy and extremely pointless ideas, like parallel port audio digitizer emulation

Perhaps some kind of "framework" for easier implementation of parallel/serial/joystick port devices. (like above audio digitizer, dongles etc..)

Any ideas for more "extremely pointless" expansion devices?
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