Thread: WinUAE w/SDL
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Old 31 January 2007, 11:37   #8
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Originally Posted by mangamuscle
It was never my intention to imply that, all I am trying to say is that it would be nice if some work in WinUAE was done to be more easily ported. I know SDL would not be enough to port all features, but at least the most important like graphics and sound (Frontends can be written for a GUI-less, direct access to peripheals is nice but not so widely used, etc.).
It might surprise you but the hardest things to "port" need not be, WinUAE is as compatible as it gets that part will compile. It's the "easiest" part that needs porting... UI, SDL, and other extras Toni mentioned (some of them can be done without, they're mostly luxuries really, who wants to print stuff from the emu anyway.)

It's just that it hasn't been done.

I guess you could use SDL (spitting GFX\Sound) and WXwidgets (for the GUI), make it compileable with MingW\GCC and you'd have a pretty much portable thing a lá SDLmame.
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