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Old 22 December 2006, 12:27   #35
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marco, I don't want to add version numbers to the files names but I could place something on the webpage and on the drop down menus I suppose. I know you've mentioned this before and I referred to the "Information and Update Status" link on the download page. This whisks you away to a thread notifying users of update details, which I suggest people subscribe to.

Peter, people have suggested this before but it's just too much work and has the potential to cause problems.

I'd have to keep track of all the little updates and changes I make to all 6 packs, then copy across all the files that I've changed to an update zip. When people apply the update, it might overwrite some of their own personal settings and prevent programs they have installed from working properly.

You can make a quick update pack that simply overwrites the main files but has all the large files removed. Download and run in WinUAE as normal, then delete all the programs (except dopus) you already have in your current installation and perhaps the icons and wbgames drawer as well. Zip up what remains and run the installation over the top of your current workbench. Then use reorg or some disk defrag utility tidy up. If you've installed anything extra that has written to the startup-sequence files you may need to re-install and you'll lose customized settings (they will return to default).

I’ll move these posts to the feedback thread.

Last edited by Bloodwych; 22 December 2006 at 12:48.
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