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Old 27 November 2006, 16:06   #13
I Identify as an Ewok
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Originally Posted by Photon
Hey Steve, tried them and well... remembered I played LoV back then. Looks good but it's a 100x50 pxl screen and 4 fps? If that's what you want but speeded up for AGA, sure. But texture mapping at least resembling what we're used to in games now or maybe 6 years ago is tricky on an Amiga. I will never say anything is impossible on Amiga. Never. Maybe a cool project for the lucky A1260T owners out there?
Basically I'd like to do a full screen version of a 3D classic like Castle Master or LoV. I wouldn't want them to run in a tiny little screen like the original versions though. An upgraded A1200 should easily be able to handle a fullscreen AGA version of LoV.

Breathless was pretty much the same as LoV, twice the screen size but twice as big pixels Better FPS though, but it's AGA of course. Gloom Deluxe - tiny screen again, good FPS but if you ran fullscreen you got gigantic pixels :'( Only tried the demos though, maybe full version is better?
No, no, no! You must have tried the games in their default 2x2 'chunky' pixel mode. You can change the display settings in both games so they render in 1x1 pixel mode and look very nice indeed. The pixels are more noticable nowadays (in 3D Amiga games) because modern games use texture filtering which the Amiga can't do.

About your 2D game: Yeah, if you're not an Amiga Ace texture mapping is not the easiest start Will be interesting to see how your programming comes along!
Well I write 3D games for a living so I reckon I've got half a chance. lol. I'm really still learning about the inner workings of the Amiga though. I might have a go at making a version of Gloom Deluxe for the DS. I think the DS would be perfect for a game like that. What do you guys think?

Last edited by Steve; 27 November 2006 at 16:11.
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