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Old 25 November 2006, 14:55   #3
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Yeah, if you're using an accelerator with Fast RAM the CPU is faster. The blitter just trundles along at its base MHz. Check out the end part of Arte by Sanity for a 3D routine which makes use of accel.

Forget about textures I say. I doubt 20 textured polys of like 40x40 pixels gives you 1 fps on an A500. Few programmers have succeeded in real texture mapping at all, one exception might be Virtual Intelligence by Horizon. It doesn't seem to use perspective though, i.e. isometric 3D, might be wrong (hard to see).

I think TEC/Cryptoburners made a nice shaded filled poly routine, I'm sure the source is available somewhere. Never did get any of the demos with those routines to work on an OCS A500 though. Probably a small bug like relying on some content of a blitter register that isn't there in OCS.

The Amiga chipset has its limits, but it also allows for creative possibilities. So have a think how you could trick the hardware to save chunks of time.
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