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Old 11 October 2006, 11:25   #13
Zone Friend
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Basement/Gdansk/Poland
Posts: 86
If you are willing to make a remake, you always can use a original data files. I have ripped some time ago a gfx from the PC version, it was 1:1 as the Amiga ver. (I think those WERE the Amiga data files). As far I remember those were simply RNC'ed bitplanes just to use with GfxRip. There is one extra bitplane (5'th), but don't use it - I think it's a collision mask, the rest 4 bitplanes put together will get you a nice 320x200 data picture (one for player, one for tiles and one for enemies) just like up here. You can even use the original palette, since it works fine.

[EDIT] PS. I know that PC ver has slightly different maps, or there are some differences between US end European version on Amiga too. (I think, I don't remember clearly now)
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