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Old 01 July 2006, 14:26   #3
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Ioannina/Greece
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Production of Amiga 600 accelerator completed
It took more than two years, but waiting was worthwhile: Our accelerator for the Amiga 600 is completed. The technical details:

68030-33 processor clocked at 40MHz
128MByte RAM option, selectable speed
512K flash-memory
low-heat design
PRICE: 129€

Since heat is the main problem in the small case of the Amiga 600, we have skipped on an FPU, and designed large parts of the logic in 3.3V technology. The 68030 processor is in a socket not just on this picture - every card has a socket, so the user can increase the performance with a faster processor and crystal oscillator. Such a modification might need active cooling parts!
As opposed to other Amiga 600 accelerators, we have found a good solution for mounting the card in the computer: Two screws hold the board safely in place. A distance sleeve keeps the card from bending.

WHDLOAD groovyness!!!!

Last edited by keropi; 01 July 2006 at 14:34.
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