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Old 21 May 2006, 09:40   #18
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Hi Mr A500 !

Originally Posted by mr_a500
Hey snarkhunter, your experience is almost identical to mine. We both learned programming before getting a computer, both got TRS-80 in 1983 (I think Dragon is euro version of Colour Computer 2), both did BASIC and a little 6809 assembler, both then got an Amiga (well, me in 1989 - and I assume yours was also an A500) and we were both disgusted by AmigaBasic and we both had a hard time finding Amiga assembler documentation. (..and I hunted snarks in Half-Life )

Are you my French twin? That reminds me of a Simpsons quote where Millhouse meets his Shelbyville twin and (strangely) says "Now I know what it feels like when doves cry".

Hi ! Your post was Kind of strange to read, but fun too ! Let's just hope one of us is not in fact schizophrenic !!! Yes, you're right : "Dragon 32" was almost a clone of the "Co-Co", and definitely not a very legal one... the ROM structure was not the same (not the same addresses for many low-level routines), but shared he same Basic (used to retrieve listings from "The Rainbow") and a number of American games, written in machine code for the "Co-Co", would work on the Dragon as well.

One of the best books related to m/c I ever had was Lance Leventhal's. As a matter of fact, I still have it as of today, as well as all the other books I purchased !

Is your Co-Co still working ? But perhaps you don't have it any longer... I still have my Dragon, though I haven't tried to use it in ages since I converted all my disks to PC files a few years ago : I now use these within "MESS" or a dedicated emulator.

Anyway, most pleased to meet you !

Kind regards,

P.S. and as to your chasing snarks, I do believe it will be just ok ; that is, as long as you don't come across a boojum !...
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