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Old 09 April 2006, 20:06   #6
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i don't think it's neither a good or a bad idea: the storage of amiga disks is per se a good thingh and the availability also; but there are already tons of sites with a large bunch of stuff; the things that still are not accomplished by none are about the completeness of the chosen formats.
for instance: planetemu has a fairly incomplete tosec archive wich being pretty old both defects many disks and has a big number of uncorrect dumps in. also, is the strain of assembling and puttin together the unending copies of [a] disks in a tosec archive commendable in face of setting up yet another "has it all" archive?
on the other hand there are sites that don't go along the tosec format that simply host a selected number of classics, i think for insatance to Amiga Island; this one create further problems to tosec renamers, because of CRC not recognised (at least some time ago, i'm not that up to date) but you could host instead a selection of tosec games. if you would do so there would be little point however on such a site.
my suggestion would be to at least wait for some months and see if the the various renamers here and on tosec get out with new dats wich would allow you to skip the duplicates or else go for host a gamebase amiga set.
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