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Old 17 March 2006, 20:21   #5
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I'm Alive! Well, barely after the week I've just had but moaning is not for the EAB.

Alrighty then, a programmers edition to the ClassicWB? I see from the link that bippy and others were enthusiastic to create such a HDF back in January.

I have no objections to someone creating a programmers edition by editing any of the classicwb packs, especially if it will save people from having to set a HDF up from scratch.

If someone wants to edit the install(s) and provide me with a new HDF, I'll make it distributable and upload it to Rcks server for general download in the classicwb forum. I'll also tidy up the edited HDF and add all necessary programs to the start menu (or create a script that adds them/removes them).

I don't really want to do it myself for reasons Methanoid has already mentioned - its only for a select few and not really part of general users interests. Plus I think people who want this HDF will have a better understanding of what to include than me!
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