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Old 24 October 2005, 17:02   #78
Posts: n/a
Hi all,

I've been busy the last days and I just read all your emails.
I'm not sure if some comments were related to Floody's game or to Marco's so I'll answer anyway.

About a target platform:
I may be wrong but working for an old platform (Amiga Classic) is a total waste of time for obvious reasons. But: if you do the game using RTG+AHI, it will run on all Amigas NG + All emulations of the Classic (UAE, Amithlon).
So if you target Amiga-only computers, this is the way to go.

But ! I don't think the actual market (including NG and Classic) is enough to consider spending a lot of time on a game.
IMHO, a game must be available for Win,Mac,Linux too (not necessary all of them).
In this case, you should use a more standard API like OpenGL and you should avoid any dependency (AGA and ASM).
Note that this doesn't totally exclude ASM that can be used in speed critical parts in the game.

I could talk about the genre of the game but let's agree on the target platform before going forward.

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