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Old 24 March 2005, 22:25   #1
Posts: n/a
Newbie here, question about cd32 display.

Hi, this is my first post here, so excuse me if this has already been asked.
I am a CD32 fan from Mexico.
I bought a CD32 some months ago <pal version>, and since i needed a new tv, i decided to buy one of those multi system ones <those that are PAL and NTSC compatible>. But, although i get a complete, well centered image, there is no color, it is completely black and white.
Does anyone here have tried playing their cd32s on this type of tvs, is it normal that they display the image in black and white?
I was wondering if there is some way to mod my console to make it compatible with ntsc tvs, or if there are some software tools to force my cd32 to display a ntsc image, I already know about using an amiga mouse to make it display a ntsc image, but i dont have one and have never seen one.
Hope someone here can help me.
Thanks in advance.
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