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Old 13 March 2005, 16:59   #1
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HOL Contributors Wanted!

This is the Hall Of Light:

It is currently maintained and updated by a team of eight and a great group of contributors. But even with the amount of work being done on it there is a huge amount still to do.

So, I'm currently down on my knees and reaching up to the keyboard, pleading for some more help! I want more contributors to come forward.

Here's how you can help:

- Screenshots.
We need more of these. Why not see look up your favourite games in the HOL and grab more screens if there are too few or they are not varied enough?

The general rule is; the more the better. It's easy if you emulate - just load up WinUAE and use End+PrtScrn while playing through a game. For example, point and click adventures can take a long time to complete but the task will be made easier with lots of players.

Here are some good examples of sets of screenshots:

Moonstone Screens - done by Duke, these screens have it all; variety, action shots and they don't leave anything out.

James Pond Screens - done by KillerGorilla, the screens here represent the different levels of the game as well as informational, bonus and intro screens.

Another World Screens, done by Cody, the cinematic story can be followed from top to bottom.

- Box Scans
As many of the core team have exhausted their own collections of Amiga games (and have empty wallets!) the scans now need to come from contributors. You don't need to supply as many as the top contributors (e.g. 2,356 from Toaks and 1,196 from Eggsplosion) and even if you only have a few games they would be welcome. If you've got a scanner check your collections and see if the HOL is missing any box scan or if an existing image could be replaced.

Please scan at a reasonably high resolution as box scans will be resized to 640x*.

- Data Fixes
There are still loads of mistakes and missing data. Many eyes finding these problems would help greatly.

- Game Maps
Check out DeAdLy_cOoKiE's Exile or Carcharias' Faery Tale Adventure maps. They look cool and can be very useful but obviously take some time to put together.

- Conversion Screenshots
Perhaps you like emulating other systems? Load up emulators and grab a couple of screenshots (titlescreens and in-game shots) for the C64, Spectrum, Apple II, Megadrive, SNES, Gameboy...

I'd also like to suggest contributing to Lemon Amiga ( as well. For example, the same set of raw screenshots could update a HOL entry and a LA entry at the same time.

Remember, if you contribute your name will be added to this hallowed set of folks:!

If you've got contributions email cody 'at' They can also be uploaded to the FTP (remember to note who they came from):

Address =
Username = hol
Password = incoming

PS - I've sometimes been a bit slow in processing contributions in the past but I promise to keep up this time!

Last edited by TCD; 22 March 2011 at 21:21. Reason: Contributos link updated
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