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Old 17 January 2005, 15:49   #11
CU_AMiGA's Avatar
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Age: 39
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Originally Posted by ant512
You absolutely must have a graphics card to run Mac emulation on an Amiga, otherwise the emulator has to run the usual chunky-to-planar conversion, you're stuck on a two-colour screen, and it is much too slow to be usable. If you have the Mac ROM, you'll get a "?" symbol on the screen, but the emulator won't do anything until you've got Mac OS installed. System 7.5.0 (or .3, not sure which) is freely available from Apple's website, but you have to dig around in order to find it.

I've found that Fusion performs better on 040 and 060 Amigas, and Shapeshifter is better for 030s.

MagiC64 is slow even on an 060. You really need to alter the settings and settle for less accurate emulation (frame skipping, etc) to really play any games with it. Still, it's faster than Frodo.

Concerning MagiC64:

Actually, i got this beauty running at full speed with FS0 with sound on most games. It was only more complex games like Ikari Warriors that requiered FS1. It depends on how you configure it. I use 6581sid for music (rather than the slow PlaySID). Oh, and my setup is A1200/060/AGA/64MB RAM/4G HD.

Best Regards,
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