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Old 06 May 2024, 16:14   #39
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It's only "correct" by chance - which makes it just as bad for technical topics, since it will give you a wrong-but-right-sounding answer* just as authoritatively as a right one; it cannot do otherwise, since it doesn't actually know anything. And so technical forums have gotten spammed with piles of threads on the "I asked ELIZA about this and here's what she regurgitated, can you tell me if this is anything approximating boring fleshbrain notions of 'correct' so I don't have to go to the effort of determining that myself?" model ever since this fad started...

* (Or a coincidentally-correct-but-stupid one! This is a good example; anybody with a basic knowledge of 6502 programming can see why it's ludicrously inefficient, but ELIZA has absolutely no idea...)
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