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Old 01 May 2024, 06:35   #3942
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Originally Posted by Bruce Abbott View Post
The 'world' moved on from the Amiga in 1994, if not before. But Amiga fans didn't care because they lived in their own world - the world of Amiga. In that world Doom was a new thing at the end of 1997
This, I believe, is what logic bros call "motte & bailey". The above statement is perfectly fine and therefore easy to defend (bailey). Nobody can say there is anything wrong with the fact that there were some hardcore Amiga fans who enjoyed Doom in 1997 on their beefed up 1200s.

The problem is that most of the time Mr Abbott operates in the motte - where the order of the day is saying how terrible PCs were and that perennially ungrateful Amigans had no real reason to defect to them. Now, that's an entirely different kettle of fish, and so it's much easier to retreat to the bailey when called out on the motte.

Originally Posted by sokolovic View Post
That sum it all.
Publishers had no problem to develop for the GameBoy Color released in 1998.
GBC sold like hot cakes and eventually its user base reached ~120 million. Meanwhile Amiga...especially A1200...

Piracy could have been some sort of a factor, though it's really hard to establish how big, and I suppose it was not at all decisive. "Underpowered" shouldn't be dismissed out of hand since for the computer-style games it mattered much more than some simple arcade fare which would still be fun even if severely downgraded, like on GBC. Especially the lack of (cheap) HDD solution was a no-no at this time.

But most of all it was the installed user base numbers that spelt the death toll. Now, you can try to spin it positively, saying that "A1200 sold well", but this really is a kind of Big-In-Japan style defence, since these numbers were still minuscule compared to PC and console (even when factoring in the alleged shortage). It goes back to the "but piracy" argument since PC had exactly the same problem, but even if pirated a game could still sell enough - because enough people had the machines.


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