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Old 03 April 2024, 15:23   #10
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Join Date: Aug 2023
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Posts: 28
You can do the same if you need to connect to the top or bottom pad - use the schematic to find a pin on another chip that it's connected to. A19/A23 are both available on the CPU and on Gary. So you don't need to do anything about the top/bottom pads for now, but if you wanted to remove the expansion in the future, you could replace the missing jumper with a short wire on the underside between the appropriate pins of the Agnus and CPU (or Gary) sockets.

You can buy various kinds of wire in reels from electronics suppliers, but if you only need a few cm then you can recycle it. For repairing PCBs I like to use thin, solid-core wire - Ethernet cable is a good impromptu source of this, and you can hold it in place with a drop of superglue. If the wire needs some flexibility, use thin multi-stranded wire instead - if you can find an old printer cable or ribbon cable then the cores from that will probably do the job.
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