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Old 18 March 2024, 16:47   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: York
Posts: 57
Volunteer Wanted - Amiga software reviewer

Hi fellow Amigans.

Amiga Addict magazine has always featured as much software, hardware, coding, design and multimedia within our magazine as possible.

We've had articles about classic programs such as DPaint, AMOS and Wordworth in the past - even SCALA as the cover feature in our latest issue.

Our aim will always be to promote everything Amiga-related and not just games (as much as we love them too!).

In order to keep delivering this high-quality mix of content to readers we're hoping to find regular software review contributors.

If you may be interesting in reviewing both new and old software releases, or useful utilities, then please express your interest or send a DM. (Our email is

Thanks for your ongoing help and support to keep a printed Amiga magazine alive and still in newsagents. Best wishes,

Team AA.

ps. We're always looking for Amiga community submissions. If software isn't your interest, hit us up anyway and we'll be more than happy to publish your work or chat about how you could get involved. Cheers again!
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