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Old 13 March 2024, 16:34   #100
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Originally Posted by CCCP alert View Post
A2000 was a mistake, cost a fortune, had all the subtle design elegance of a dog turd on the pavement and still only the same specs as an A1000.

As for PC compatibility, an Amstrad PC1512 for £499.99 in 1986 was a cheaper option. Bit of a shit stain on Amiga, as was the piss poor design/looks/build quality of A500, on Amiga really YMMV.

Between A1000 and CDTV there is nothing worth mentioning unless you are pretty clueless or drunk on those effing rose tinted spectacles. A2000/500 are the reason Amiga is a failure IMO, A500/2000 did more damage than good.
Ridiculous. The A2000 cost about the same as the A1000 did on launch (especially once you upgraded the A1000 to 512k chip RAM), you didn't have to reload Kickstart every time you turned it on, A1000s couldn't take hard drives or network cards, and the A2000 was much more expandable later. And the PC bridgeboard was cheaper than the Amstrad, and not limited to monochrome or 8088.

The A500 being about 40% of the price of the A1000/A2000 is why we remember Amigas today. £399 was an affordable mass-market computer, over £1000 wasn't.

The A1000 may have looked cooler, but the A500 looked like a home computer, and the A2000 looked like a business computer.
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