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Old 17 February 2024, 00:52   #471
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Do you think it would be possible to change the palette so something like this or would it take too much time?

Loved what Brick Nash did with this port. Really impressive stuff. But it would be great if the source code could be made available so a few things here and there could be tweaked?

On my wish (dream ) list, a palette looking like the one above would be my first choice. Not too interested in AGA but it would great to see what ECS could do with no sacrifices to speed etc.

Secondly would just be some minor changes to gamesplay to meet the arcade. Cody holding his knife, Guys off the wall jump etc. These are small things but i dont know how much resources that would take?

Once again. This port is a dream come true and were very lucky to have it. Just fantasising what could be done to squeeze even more out of the old (ECS) Amiga?
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