Thread: A600GS Updates
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Old 14 February 2024, 17:30   #31
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Join Date: Jan 2023
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Posts: 14
To add my thoughts, I have been looking for an Amiga system, and options such at reconditioned original Amigas, the AmigaONE line ,the MiniMig, and the MISTerFPGA are all very impressive – BUT – they are not cheap.

Even taking a “budget” approach of buying a raspberry pi for the hardware and then buying the Amiga forever CD and/or the Amiga OS CD for the software would not give much change from £200. There is also the time needed to set the thing up.

The A500 mini is good, but it is geared towards just running the games.

The A600GS could fill the existing gap in the market for a system that is competitive in its pricing, easy to set up, runs the games, and offers a capable and modern workbench in Amibench.

If Amibench has applications such as a Web browser, E-mail client, a player for videos (E.G MP4) ,a player for audio (E.G MP3), then the A600GS would be a straight replacement for the old PC I currently use for my leisure computing - and I would certainly get one.

The online app store could be a catalyst for further development of Amiga software as well.

I will be tracking this project with interest, and I wish it every success.
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