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Old 23 December 2023, 23:35   #70
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Originally Posted by Karlos View Post
I don't remember the 2MB version and you can't make me! We literally purged it from the build.
Wait, so there was a 2MB TKG version for real?
We are talking about 2MB Chip, not added 2MB Fast? We are talking about TKG for vanilla A1200?
Back in the day, I haven't even tried to install it on my vanilla A1200, because I've read in the magazines it require at least 4MB fast, but I am curious how bad it would crawl on plain A1200 , considering that even original AB3D was pretty damn slow (but I enjoyed that game very much, nevertheless).
I've tried to google it... and it seems that is 2MB version really exist, but I couldn't find a youtube video to see how it really performs.
Btw... while searching and watching videos of TKG... damn... these lightning effects in TKG was so impressive, considering the time they were created... wow...
I could run Winuae and test it myself... but then again... everything above 68000 emulation, seems to run a bit faster then on real hardware, so that wouldn't be of much realistic.

Originally Posted by Tsak View Post
I'm 99% certain that horizontal shaking is possible. Vertical might be possible as well by shifting the display perhaps? At some point we will be looking at screenshake anyhow as this feature is already in our list.
That's amazing to hear.
Everything you guys did so far is far above excellent.
Any chance that there will be level editor... or... let me be even more greedy and ungrateful ... levels that we could make with our own textures, our own level design, sprites, and our own quests? Release our own games?
I know KK already released something similar, and we talked about it, and I even created some test level in it.
But I am talking about something more rounded... where we could use our own palettes... pretty much everything that KK released, but.. more intuitive to use, and with engine changes you are doing all the time.
What KK released for level building, is great... but I am not sure if it's enough that someone create complete game from the scratch, without him, or you guys helping.

If the answer is no - I completely understand.
And will buy the game anyway, and will (if finances let me) give some hefty bonus.
After all, you're so busy trying to make this game (as a game) works in it's full capacity, and other stuff are secondary (and I'd do the same as you, if I would be in the same position).
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