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Old 07 December 2023, 23:18   #1
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[WIP] Tetris conversion

I've decided to change the style of the games I'm converting for a moment.

I consider Tetris Arcade version by Atari the best Tetris version around. It's colored and the music is great.

The game used a 6502 CPU and not a Z80. I wrote a converting source tool for 6502 to 68000 as well.

Not a lot of reverse-engineering has been done on that one by anyone (including me) but with so little RE I could make the game start & display the first screens.

Thanks to MAME I could workaround the nasty protection (constant bank switching caused by "slapstic" chip) and unlike my other ports, the project is more a fast emulator than a re-coding. It requires AGA because the original game has 16 banks of 16 colors and a 256 color palette which is - added - dynamic. So ECS port would be quite tricky without rewriting the whole game.

ATM it produces a 1:1 graphical arcade port. Sound will be added later.

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