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Old 13 November 2023, 10:57   #70
Bruce Abbott
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Originally Posted by dreadnought View Post
Nice find. This seems to nullify the narrative from the site I linked to though. Falcon's was supposed to be released in late 1992, so mocking it beforehand didn't make much sense?
Correct. So the question is what were they referring to?

It also adds context with the first "YOU KNOW THE COMPUTER YOU'VE ALWAYS DREAMED ABOUT?" intro page. Though, yeah, advertising A600 as anybody's dream computer in 1992 is dubious at least (even if you're stuck with ST).
The implication is plain. As an ST owner you've always dreamed of having an Amiga - but for some reason didn't get one. Why not? Perhaps it was too expensive, or the ST was doing well enough that you couldn't justify it, or maybe you just didn't have the bench space for another computer - until now.

The A600 might not have been most Amiga fans' dream machine (except for a few people like me who didn't own a 68000 based Amiga), but compared to the ST or even the STe it was indeed a dream - not just because it had better hardware but for all the superior Amiga software that ST owners couldn't run on their machines.

I heard C= had surplus of these machines so I suppose they tried to push them out of the door by any means necessary, and what happens later be damned.
That's the standard role of marketing. But the A600 flew out the door once they got the price right - even after the A1200 was announced.

Anyway it was well known that the A600 was the end of the 68000 Amiga line, and who knows how long they would continue making it. So if you still wanted that Amiga you always dreamed of then now was the time to get it.

Perhaps the ad was trolling, or just trying to get as many sales as possible, but it also told the truth. Every ST owner had always secretly wanted an Amiga even as they publicly denied it, and Commodore was giving them one last chance to give in to their desires.
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