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Old 12 August 2023, 15:13   #13
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Lets not worry too much about what we're calling these releases. I just want a list (or suggestions for one please) of games from the last 10 years that are widely regarded as "great" and have been released for free. We can call them PD, Freeware, ItchIO releases, Freemium, Homebrew etc. If its free it can go on the list.

Games like "Worthy" wouldn't be included of course, nor APC releases, we are well aware of the rules and don't want to rip anyone off if they are selling their games still. We're just curating some lists so people who are new to Amiga have a springboard of top 20's or 30's to get them into stuff/eras/demos/genres.

I was only actually asked for a PD list of classics (done) and thought a more modern list of games would be nice to have too.

I suppose i can trawl the usual sites and do yearly searches, working my way backwards, but i haven't played every game released in the last 10 years, far from it, so suggestions would be awesome...

"So what are your favourite free game releases of the last 10 years?"
Shall i start a new thread with this title?
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