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Old 27 June 2023, 09:28   #87
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I find virtual desktops much more useful than draggable screens. I never liked paging through a lot of screens which all but the Workbench screen usually only had one program running. That made them full-screen windows. Also, if you dragged down a screen half-way and then clicked through the screens, that screen would stay pulled-down making it awkward to handle. Thus, I would only pull-down screens to see something on another screen and then drag the screen back up.

Of course, screen dragging was a great feature at the time. There was little display real estate and there had to be a way to handle the outputs of multiple programs in a multitasking OS. The hardware wasn't powerful enough to move that much graphical content which is why the copper was such a useful coprocessor. However, with all that in mind with a modern monitor that easily lets me arrange multiple windows next to each other I find virtual desktops more useful than draggable screens. Hence, I never missed the feature when I got a PC (running linux with fvwm2 and beyond which all had virtual screens).
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