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Old 24 June 2023, 14:17   #33
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Originally Posted by stefcep2 View Post
sorry but how much did the video editing systems of the day cost when the video toaster and lightwave came into the market?
Sure. But the video toaster was better than anything available at the time, but it's not better than anything invented 30 years later.

In fairness to David, in some of those clips it seems he means "its better than anything you see today done on an Amiga" suggesting he's really bemoaning the fact it has mostly become a retro platform, left pretty much where it was in the late 80s. Although in others it does just seem like an outright statement in comparison to modern computing. Maybe he just remembers being wowed by the demo and hasn't felt that same kind of wow factor since (because improvements have been gradual) and his own nostalgic rose-tinted spectacles are changing the memory of what he saw back in the day.

But the specs for Hombre are out there and it's clear that while powerful if it had come out alongside the original PlayStation, it's not anything modern hardware can't vastly outperform.
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