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Old 24 June 2023, 08:54   #25
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Originally Posted by Bruce Abbott View Post
Even today the goal is still the same - to make money. If they could do that without any hardware at all they would. But even today customers tend to shy away from handing over their money for nothing tangible in return. The battle therefore becomes convincing customers that they need new hardware. This is quite a quandary because modern PCs are ridiculously powerful and last for decades - how can they make money out of that? The answer is bloatware. Make the software bigger and slower so you need a more powerful machine to run it, while convincing the customer that they really need the bloat.
It's NVIDIA's greed that constrained VRAM for lesser SKUs e.g. RTX 3070's 8 GB debacle. A mod'ed RTX 3070 with 16 GB VRAM plays the latest VRAM-heavy games with smooth frame rates.

NVIDIA has halted RTX 4070 12GB's production while AMD is running out of RX 6800 XT 16 GB with RX 7800 XT 16 GB arriving in the distribution channel.

BVH raytracing (search engine problem), pixel density geometry (e.g. Unreal Engine 5's Nanite) and multi-layer semi-transparent textures will require additional VRAM.

PS5 and Xbox Series X combined 51 million install base will dictate VRAM allocation for gaming PC.

AAA game developers are demanding more VRAM.

Raytracing is a black hole when comes to TFLOPS of compute power being thrown at it.
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