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Old 26 April 2023, 01:34   #3
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Join Date: Jan 2020
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Posts: 181
Originally Posted by tygre View Post
Hi Mateusz_s!

Thanks for sharing your code!

It looks good to me, but what happens if sign & timer_sign is not 0 and is_running is 0?

Actually, what's the use of is_running in comparison to loop?


A bit corrected and cleaned up version, I think this should be ok.
CPU idle is OK. I can enable/disable the activity.
Probably the timer cleanup is bugged right now because I got crash after exiting.

#include <proto/exec.h>
#include <proto/dos.h>

#include <clib/alib_protos.h>

#include <clib/commodities_protos.h>
#include <libraries/commodities.h>

#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <proto/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <stdio.h>

// Application name and version.
#define   APP_NAME            "msIntenetStatus"
#define   APP_VERSION         "v0.1"
#define   APP_DESCRIPTION     "Checks Internet connetion in regular time intervals."     

// Libs
struct Library* CxBase        = NULL;
struct Library* SocketBase    = NULL;

// Commodity globals
struct NewBroker cx_newbroker = 
    NB_VERSION, 					// nb_Version - Version of the NewBroker structure
    (STRPTR)APP_NAME,		          // nb_Name - Name CX uses to identify this commodity
    (STRPTR)APP_NAME" "APP_VERSION,	// nb_Title - Title of commodity that appears in CXExchange
    (STRPTR)APP_DESCRIPTION,            // nb_Descr - Description of the commodity
    NBU_UNIQUE,    					// nb_Unique - Tells CX not to launch new commodity with same name
    0,          					// nb_Flags - Tells CX if this commodity has a window
    0,          					// nb_Pri - This commodity's priority
    0,          					// nb_Port - MsgPort CX talks to
    0           					// nb_ReservedChannel - reserved for later use

struct MsgPort      *cx_broker_message_port;
CxObj               *cx_broker;
ULONG               cx_signal = 0;

// --- timer globals ---
struct MsgPort* timer_message_port;
struct timerequest* timer_io;
struct Message *timer_message;
struct IOExtSer *reply;
ULONG timer_signal = 0;
int numer = 0;

// Timer functions definitions.
int timer_init()
	timer_message_port = CreateMsgPort();
	if (timer_message_port == NULL)
		return 0;

	timer_io = (struct timerequest*)CreateExtIO(timer_message_port, sizeof(struct timerequest));
	if (timer_io == NULL)
		return 0;

	if (OpenDevice(TIMERNAME, UNIT_VBLANK, (struct IORequest *)timer_io, 0L))
		return 0;

     timer_signal = (1L << timer_message_port->mp_SigBit );

     return 1;

void timer_send(ULONG _sec, ULONG _micro)
     timer_io->tr_node.io_Command 	= TR_ADDREQUEST;

     timer_io->tr_time.tv_micro	= _micro;
     timer_io->tr_time.tv_sec      = 0;     
     timer_io->tr_time.tv_secs    	= _sec;
     timer_io->tr_time.tv_usec     = 0;
     SendIO((struct IORequest *)timer_io);

void timer_cleanup()
	CloseDevice( (struct IORequest*) timer_io);
	DeleteExtIO( (struct IORequest*) timer_io);

int main(void)
	// Lets init the timer first.
	if (!timer_init())
		printf("%s: Error! Couldn't create the timer...", APP_NAME);
		return 1;

     // Before bothering with anything else, open the library.
     if ( (CxBase = OpenLibrary((CONST_STRPTR)"commodities.library", 37L)) )
          // Commodities talks to a Commodities application through
          // an Exec Message port, which the application provides
          if ( (cx_broker_message_port = CreateMsgPort()) )
               cx_newbroker.nb_Port = cx_broker_message_port;

               // The commodities.library function CxBroker() adds a
               // broker to the master list.  It takes two arguments,
               // a pointer to a NewBroker structure and a pointer to
               // a LONG.  The NewBroker structure contains information
               // to set up the broker.  If the second argument is not
               // NULL, CxBroker will fill it in with an error code.             
               if ( (cx_broker = CxBroker(&cx_newbroker, NULL)) )
                    // After it's set up correctly, the broker has to be activated.
                    ActivateCxObj(cx_broker, 1L);

                    cx_signal = (1L << cx_broker_message_port->mp_SigBit);

                    // Send first - short interval to timer.
                    timer_send(0, 1);

                    // Enabled/Disabled status.
                    BYTE cx_enabled = 1;

                    // The main processing loop.
                    BYTE cx_loop = 1;

                         CxMsg *cx_message;
	                    ULONG cx_message_id;
	                    ULONG cx_message_type;

                         // Wait until timer or cx signal appear.
                         Wait( timer_signal | cx_signal);

                         // --------------------------------------------------------------------
                         // --- If we get the signal from the timer and commodity is enabled, 
                         // --- execute our checking routine. 
                         // --------------------------------------------------------------------
                         while(GetMsg(timer_message_port) && cx_enabled)
                              printf("YES: %d  ", numer);
                              timer_send(2, 0);
                         // -------------------------------------------------------------

                         // Commodity msg processing                   
                         while(cx_message = (CxMsg*)GetMsg(cx_broker_message_port))
                              // Extract necessary information from the CxMessage and return it
                              cx_message_id 	= CxMsgID(cx_message);
                              cx_message_type = CxMsgType(cx_message);

                              ReplyMsg((struct Message *)cx_message);

                                   // Commodities has sent a command
                                   case CXM_COMMAND:
                                             case CXCMD_DISABLE:
                                                  ActivateCxObj(cx_broker, 0L);
                                                  cx_enabled = 0;

                                             case CXCMD_ENABLE:
                                             timer_send(2, 0);
                                                  ActivateCxObj(cx_broker, 1L);
                                                  cx_enabled = 1;

                                             case CXCMD_KILL:
                                                  cx_loop = 0;
                                                  cx_enabled = 0;

	return 0;
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