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Old 22 March 2023, 12:50   #77
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Join Date: Aug 2008
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Control options are pretty configurable as move and shoot can be independently set.

Currently I've got..

* Keyboard
* Joystick port 2

* Keyboard
* Joystick port 1
* CD32 buttons ( the four buttons are tied to shot directions)
* mouse ( crosshair on screen )

Keys are now configurable but due to the shit-show that is the Amiga keyboard hardware it's seemingly impossible to play from keyboard alone no matter how you map it.

"SOME" of the Playstation controller adapters allow for the 2nd analog stick to be set to the CD32 buttons which is perfect, just not mine it seems :/

I also have a kit for a Unijoysticle 2 ( bluetooth controller adapter ) which should hopefully be supporting proper X/Y for both sticks using a special protocol. Although firing will still be locked to 45 degrees.

There is also the other prototype Amiga twinstick controller, can't remember the name of it, which I'll be adding support for in the coming weeks when it gets here.
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