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Old 22 January 2023, 15:15   #44
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Join Date: Dec 2021
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Posts: 188
Master System for me.
I had, and still have both, but play(ed) the Master System a lot more because I prefered the games available to it more than what is available for the NES.
The Mickey Mouse XXXX Of Illusion games are fantastic. On par with the Mario games in my opinion (granted, this also means The Super Mario games are brilliant given that theyre *the* benchmark for 2d platformers), r-type I prefer to Nemesis/Life Force, Forgotten Worlds, Phantasy Star, Shinobi, Golden Axe, the Sonic Games, Vigilante, Fantasy Zone, Ultima IV, the Wonderboy series, Gauntlet 2, the Alex Kid games, Golden Axe Warrior is (in my opinion) better than the 8bit Zelda, Master Of Darkness I prefer to the 8bit Castlevanias, Populous, Shadow Dancer, Rambo (the light gun game/Op Wolf clone), Donald Duck Lucky Dime Caper, and so on and so forth (chose these titles as theyre some of my favorites in my Master System physical cart collection).

Having said this I can find enjoyment with pretty much any system, but if I had to choose to get rid of either my NES or SMS I'd keep the SMS and it wouldn't be a difficult choice.
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