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Old 06 January 2023, 15:34   #60
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Originally Posted by h0ffman View Post
Oddly enough making a tracker is probably harder than making an Amiga game but I get your point. Making the music for this has been a royal pain in the ass, switching between two protracker modules, rendering the loops, loading them back in, more editing, but needs must. I had a lot of this stuff already pre-built so seemed like a sensible choice considering how close to completion I am.

That said... I have already planned out all the features I would require from a new Amiga targeted tracker and considering how that kind of project might get started (looks at the pile of other projects which need completing first!). So yeah, maybe it's in the pipeline.

NOTE: PLEASE do not start a long conversation about what features you want in a tracker. I am not listening
its sometimes mind boggling watching you on stream swapping from 1 thing to the next as you explain your witchcraft to the viewers, im amazed you remember wth your doing, or maybe youve done it so many times your just blasting thru the processes on autopilot.

Either way its an interesting set of VOD's ive had to catch up on.
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